Is Your Hot Water System Right for You?

Experiencing issues with your hot water system? Discover the best water heater options to suit your household needs.

Making A Decision On Hot Water

If your hot water system has died, is on its last legs or not giving you enough hot water when you need it, Then you may be in the decision process of getting a new system. But not all hot water systems are created equal, so how do you know which one to choose?

The Following are some Tips to Help you Come to the Right Decision

Do Your Research First

There are some questions you need the answers to before you start looking at which system suits you best. Find the answers to these questions before you begin:

Choose The Right System

Once you know the answers to the questions above then you need to use the information to evaluate the types of systems:
Solar Hot Water System

Solar Hot Water System: Gas Boosted

Solar hot water systems use the sun’s energy to heat water and a gas continuous flow unit for a backup booster so you are never without hot water. Solar units are more environmentally friendly and you may even be eligible for government incentives.
Gas continuous flow​

Gas Continuous Flow Water Heater

These hot water units heat hot water as it is required, meaning you will never run out of hot water and no money is wasted heating water that isn’t used. Gas continuous flow hot water systems are much smaller which means you can save valuable space.
Gas Hot Water System Unit

Gas Hot Water System

Gas hot water systems are available with a 4 or 5-star energy rating and the cylinders can be made from stainless steel or vitreous enamel-coated steel.
Thermann Solar Hot Water System

Solar Hot Water System: Electric Boosted

Similar to the gas solar boost but has an electric tank that will provide hot water if needed.

Everhot Heat Pump Hot Water System

Heat Pump Hot Water System

Heat pump hot water systems work best in warmer climates. They work by electricity pumping a refrigerant around the system, which transfers heat from the air to the water. They are more environmentally friendly than electric or gas systems.
Thermann Electric Hot Water System

Electric Hot Water System

Electric hot water systems are the most affordable unit to purchase. The water is heated by an element and can be in enamel or stainless steel tanks.

Choose The Brand

Once you know which system you want then this will lead you in the right direction regarding which brand to choose. Some manufacturers specialise in certain types, like solar or heat pumps. Others have better warranties than their competitors. Research on the internet, ask your friends, family or neighbours, and most importantly speak to the experts – the plumbers that install, repair and replace hot water systems. Their advice is worth paying for.

Choose The Model

Referring back to your research, when you choose which model or size of hot water system think about your usage habits. Tank size and flow rate all depend on how many people are showering. How long do they shower for and if multiple showers are in use at the same time? The manufacturer and your plumber will be able to help you decide on this area as well so be sure to ask them.

Choose the Installer

When you are choosing the installer, make sure you are using a licensed tradesperson. Also look at whether they offer any types of warranties or guarantees on top of the manufacturer’s warranty, and if they are service agents for the brand of hot water system you have chosen. By evaluating these benefits, you have the reassurance that if something does go wrong you are going to get the best coverage. Remember, the best value doesn’t always mean the cheapest solution.

For your hot water needs don’t hesitate to contact us anytime. We serve areas in Canberra, Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Central Coast, Lake Macquarie & Port Stephens. So if you’re in the middle of making a hot water decision, give us a call at 131091 were open 24/7 or visit our website.


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