Smoke Alarms

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So, for all your smoke alarm needs – call the doctor today!

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Smoke Alarm

Why Are Smoke Alarms Important?

Smoke alarms are one of the greatest safety devices available within the home, the risk of a fatality within the home is halved when a smoke alarm is installed in the residence. In May 2006 it became legislation that all homes within NSW and the ACT must have smoke alarms installed where people sleep.

Other states such as QLD are now adopting this mandatory standard. This includes homes, rental properties caravans, relocatable homes, campervans, and any residential building or home where people sleep.

Remember: it is the landlord’s responsibility to have smoke alarms installed in all rental properties and on every level of the home.

Types Of Smoke Alarms

There are many brands of smoke alarms available however only two types, battery and hard wired, or both. When installing or replacing a smoke alarm, it is highly recommended that you use the photoelectric alarm technology for both the hardwired and battery-operated types.

How Can We Help?

With years of experience with servicing and installing smoke alarms across Australia, our team is fully equipped for all your electrical needs and our licensed electrician will keep your family safe.

We Can Assist You With:

  • Smoke alarm installation
  • Repairs
  • Servicing
  • Routine maintenance
  • Replacement
  • Compliance checks
  • Finding the right smoke alarm for your household

So don’t wait, keep your family safe and contact the doctor today!

More Tips & Ideas About Smoke Alarms

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