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Choosing A Hot Water System
There are a number of factors to consider when choosing the right hot water system for your home or property. The most common are as follows:
Ensure your hot water system matches your needs. Estimate the peak-hour demand for your home or property to determine the ideal capacity for consistent, reliable hot water supply.
Fuel Type
Heating water accounts for 25% of home energy use. In Australia, options include heat pumps, natural gas, electricity, and solar. Check available fuel types and connection to the main gas supply.
Factor in not just the initial cost but also maintenance expenses and energy efficiency ratings, like heat loss rates, to assess the true value of your selected hot water system.
Experienced Hot Water Plumber
Our hot water plumbers are specialists in the field. From choosing the right plumber hot water system that works best for your household demand and budget to the disposal of your old hot water tank, you can rest assured that the Plumbing and Electrical Doctor gets it done. We have extensive knowledge of brands, installation procedures, replacement, maintenance and repairs.
So entrust to us your hot water system plumbing and contact our team today to discuss your next water heater!
Fixed Upfront Pricing
Our upfront pricing covers hot water system costs, labor, and any additional requirements for installation, repairs, and servicing.
Licensed Hot Water Plumbers
Experienced, licensed plumbers specializing in all your hot water system installation and repair needs.
Lifetime Workmanship Guarantee
Brand new materials with manufacturer's warranty; faulty workmanship repairs are free, no questions asked.
Types of Hot Water Systems
Heat Pump Hot Water Systems
Solar Hot Water Systems
Gas Hot Water Systems
Electric Hot Water Systems
Our Hot Water Services
Hot Water Repair
Hot Water Replacement
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