Plumber in Oakhampton Heights

Plumber in Oakhampton Heights The Plumbing and Electrical Doctor has been offering its services to the people of Oakhampton Heights for decades now. Whether it’s cleaning blocked drains, emergency plumbing,…

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Plumber in Oswald

Plumber in Oswald For more than two decades, the Plumbing and Electrical Doctor has been offering its services to the people of Oswald. From fixing blocked drains and sewers, and…

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Plumber in Campbell

Plumber in Campbell If you’re caught up in an emergency plumbing situation, you don’t have to worry! The Plumbing and Electrical Doctor is open 24/7 to attend to your needs.…

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Home and Electrical Renovations

Home and Electrical Renovations We give youΒ UPFRONT PRICING on all Electrical jobs."We price by the job not by the hour so you will know exactly what the cost is before…

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Plumber in Tomago

Plumber in Tomago The Plumbing and Electrical Doctor has been offering its services to the people of Tomago for decades now. Whether it’s cleaning blocked drains, emergency plumbing, electrical installations,…

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Plumber in Fyshwick

Plumber in Fyshwick The Plumbing and Electrical Doctor is the most recognized Plumbing company in Fyshwick, specializing in commercial and residential maintenance. We offer emergency plumbing for blocked drains, hot…

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Plumber in Nicholl

Plumber in Nicholls For over four decades, the Plumbing and Electrical Doctor has been providing Nicholls and the nearby suburbs of Canberra with various plumbing and electrical services like clearing…

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Plumber in Yarrawonga Park

Plumber in Yarrawonga Park When it comes to providing plumbing and electrical services, the Plumbing and Electrical Doctor is one of Yarrawonga Park’s leading providers. We're able to do so…

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