The Plumbing and Electrical Doctor is a local plumber that offers plumbing and electrical services for Conder residents. We have a team of highly experienced licensed plumbers and electricians who can efficiently and effectively do the job. We have helped countless customers deal with plumbing issues such as blocked drains for over four decades now.
To ensure that our services are well delivered, we use the right tools and equipment for every type of plumbing and electrical job. If you encounter an emergency plumbing situation in Conder, the Plumbing and Electrical Doctor is just one call away. We’re efficient in doing free-site inspections as well as same-day repair and installation.
Here’s the thing:
Conder is one of three suburbs in the Lanyon Valley in Canberra, Australia, that lies in Tuggeranong’s district. It’s situated in Canberra’s southernmost suburbs, but it’s one of the progressive residential areas with its essential amenities. Conder is surrounded by mountains that give great scenic views.
This suburb’s whole area is covered with Alluvium, loose soil from a volcanic eruption.

With the type of land and soil that Conder has, blocked drains are common in residential areas. If you have encountered this, you may be wondering, “which plumbers should I call in Conder?” Good thing, the Plumbing and Electrical Doctor has been a partner in dealing with plumbing issues.
Our expertise is not only limited to plumbing issues like blocked drains, but we also have a lineup of services that we offer at an affordable price, and here are some of them:
- Sewer Pipe Cleaning
- Sewer Pipe Repair
- Sewer Pipe Replacement
- Clearing Blocked Drains
- Plumbing Stormwater Drains
- Electrical Work
- Hot Water Systems and Installation
- Water, Roof, and Gas Leak Repairs
- House Rewiring
- Fan Installation
- Switchboard Upgrades
So, if you can’t decide, and you’re still pondering, “who are the best plumbers and electricians in Conder?” Call us at 131091. We’ll assist you right in front of your doorstep. Check our website to see the full range of services that we offer. Take advantage of our membership and rewards program to get good deals.
We Cover All Suburbs Of Canberra!