The Plumbing and Electrical Doctor is a known service provider in Latham. Our company has made a name for itself by providing Latham residents with quality service through our skilled plumbers and master electricians.
We help resolve issues with blocked drains, hot water systems, and anything to do with electrical concerns. With over four decades of rendering quality service in Latham, no doubt, the Plumbing and Electrical Doctor are one of the most trusted with their vast range of services.
Here’s the thing:
Latham is a residential suburb in the Belconnen district of Canberra, Australia. It’s one of the progressive suburbs with more than 3500 population. With all the developments in this place, they were still able to preserve the bushy areas filled with mature trees. The construction of facilities and the residential areas in Latham began in 1971; that’s why it can’t be avoided that this suburb has aging facilities.
One of the infrastructures that need to be maintained and replaced in Latham is the sewer system. Most of the plumber callouts in Latham are blocked drains due to root tree intrusion that worsens the condition of aging sewer facilities. With this, plumbing services are always in demand.

Good thing, the Plumbing and Electrical Doctor is just one call away. We’re efficient in responding to emergency plumbing situations by offering same-day repair and installation of your availed service without compromising our work quality. So, if you ever come to think, “which electrician and plumber in Latham should I call?”, give us a try.
We have a lineup of services that we offer at an affordable price, and here are some of them:
- Sewer Pipe Cleaning
- Sewer Pipe Repair
- Sewer Pipe Replacement
- Clearing Blocked Drains
- Plumbing Stormwater Drains
- Electrical Work
- Hot Water Systems and Installation
- Water, Roof, and Gas Leak Repairs
- House Rewiring
- Fan Installation
- Switchboard Upgrades
We Cover All Suburbs Of Canberra!